Fruit kebabs with choccy Philadelphia cheesecake dipping sauce

From Cookipedia

An interesting way to get your '5-a-day'!

Many thanks to those nice people from Philadelphia who gave their permission for us to use these recipes.

Fruit kebabs with choccy Philadelphia cheesecake dipping sauce
Servings:Serves 4
Calories per serving:129
Ready in:15 minutes
Prep. time:15 minutes
Cook time:None
Recipe author:Chef
First published:27th April 2013

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Not slimming food


That's for sure!



Printable 🖨 shopping 🛒 list & 👩‍🍳 method for this recipe


  1. To make the dip mix the Philly and crème fraiche together and spoon into 4 little ramekins.
  2. Chill whilst preparing the fruit kebabs.
  3. Arrange the fruit on 8 short wooden skewers.
  4. Serve the dip pots on 4 serving plates accompanied by two fruit kebabs.


You don’t have to use the fruits suggested above. Black cherries, raspberries, strawberries blackberries or melon would all be suitable additions to the kebab sticks.

Recipe source


Banana, black and green grapes, pineapple pieces, kiwi fruit, peaches or nectarines are also good in this.

See also

Other recipes that use Philadelphia with Cadbury:

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