Choccy Philly cheesecake banana smoothie

From Cookipedia

A Philadelphia chocolate cheesecake smoothie.

Many thanks to those nice people from Philadelphia who gave their permission for us to use these recipes.

Choccy Philly cheesecake banana smoothie
Servings:Serves 2
Calories per serving:220
Ready in:5 minutes
Prep. time:5 minutes
Cook time:None
Recipe author:Chef
First published:27th April 2013

Best recipe review

Chocolate milk shake


Quite rich though.

Paul R Smith


Printable 🖨 shopping 🛒 list & 👩‍🍳 method for this recipe


  1. Put all the ingredients into a processor or liquidiser and blitz for about 30 seconds until thoroughly blended.
  2. Divide between two glasses and if liked serve over ice cubes and decorated with fresh fruit.

Recipe source

See also

Other recipes that use Philadelphia with Cadbury:

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