Dragon reduced fat mature Welsh cheddar cheese
From Cookipedia
Dragon reduced fat mature Welsh cheddar cheese - General information
Milk type
Strength and texture
- A strong Cheddar cheese
Pack size
- 180g
South Caernarfon Creameries reduced fat mature cheddar cheese, 30% less fat than our standard mature cheddar but still delivers a great taste.
Serving suggestions
Crunchy crispbreads and sliced gherkins. For something sweet, serve with black grapes and dried apricots. Perfect with a light white wine or sparkling apple juice.
Cookipedia recipes using this cheese
- Baked Leeks with Dragon Welsh Cheddar cheese sauce
- Dragon Cheddar cheese and leek pate
- Dragon Cheddar cheese, tomato and chicken papparedelle
- Dragon Welsh cheddar cheese and butternut squash soup
- Dragon Welsh cheddar cheese and tomato scones
- Dragon Welsh cheddar cheese pancakes
- Dragon Welsh rarebit pork steaks
- Festive fruity apple and Dragon cheddar cheese loaf
- Fiery Welsh Dragon cheese tortillas
- Jewelled Cheddar and apple festive wreath salad
- Smokey Boston beans with Dragon Cheddar cheese
- St David's Day cheesy biscuits
- Steak and Dragon Welsh cheddar cheese pies
Dragon reduced fat mature Welsh cheddar cheese
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