Printable shopping lists
All of our recipes will produce a printed shopping list of all the ingredients required to cook the recipe. Just click the Print a shopping list for this recipe's ingredients link, top right of every recipe page.
Looking for that really special recipe?
Take a look at our favourite recipes section. Recipes here have all been picked by our editors as being really special and worth making again and again - try just one of them and you'll be back for more!
Use one of our automated recipe finders to pick tonight's meal
Looking for recipes that use a number of specific ingredients; eg: beef, pastry & cheese? Just tick those items from a list of more than 60 ingredients and we'll list the recipes that use those three items. What a brilliant way to clean out that fridge!
We also have two recipe finders that will randomly pick 3 recipes from your chosen category - Every recipe shows a short description and a recent photo of the completed meal. Just keep clicking until you like what you see!