Montes de Toledo

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Montes de Toledo


DOP Montes de Toledo is a Spanish extra virgin olive oil obtained from the fruit of the olive tree (Olea Europea L.), of the CORNICABRA variety, by mechanical processes or other physical means that do not lead to deterioration of the oil, conserving the taste, aroma and characteristics of the fruit from which it is obtained.

  • The oil with the Montes de Toledo Designation of Origin is characterised by its high oleic acid and low linoleic acid contents, with a high content of total polyphenols, which makes it very stable, a quality for which it is appreciated and known in the trade.
  • Acidity: maximum 0,7 °
  • The colour varies depending on the time of harvesting and the geographical location inside the area, from golden yellow to intense green.
  • From an organoleptic point of view, the Montes de Toledo Designation of Origin oils have a medium to strong fruitiness with average values for bitterness and spiciness.

Specific rules governing slicing, grating, packaging, etc

  • The oil must be stored in mills and bottling plants certified by the Fundación and that have facilities suitable to ensure optimum conservation.
  • The bottler must have separate systems for bottling the protected designation of origin oils and any other oils to be bottled. Likewise, it must have approved systems for measuring oil.
  • The oil must be packaged in containers of glass, coated metal, PET or vitrified ceramic.

Specific rules covering labelling

The logo of the designation and the words ‘Denominación de Origen Montes de Toledo’ must appear on all labels. The containers in which the protected oil is packaged for consumption must bear a seal of warranty, label or numbered secondary label issued by the inspection body so that they cannot be reused.

Geographical area

The area is in the interior of the Autonomous Community of Castile-La Mancha, in the south-east of the Province of Toledo and the north-east of the Province of Ciudad Real, of which the central axis is the Montes de Toledo mountain range. The geographical production area is made up of 128 municipalities in the Provinces of Toledo and Ciudad Real. Of those municipalities, 106 are in the Province of Toledo and 22 in Ciudad Real.

Municipalities in the Province of Toledo:

Ajofrín, Alameda de la Sagra, Albarreal de Tajo, Alcaudete de la Jara, Aldeanueva de Barbarroya, Aldeanueva de San Bartolome, Almonacid de Toledo, Añover de Tajo, Arges, Bargas, Belvis de la Jara, Borox, Burguillos de Toledo, Burujón, Cabañas de la Sagra, Calera y Chozas, Campillo de la Jara, Cañumas, Carmena, Carpio de Tajo (El), Carranque, Casasbuenas, Cebolla, Cedillo del Condado, Cobeja, Chueca, Cobisa, Consuegra, Cuerva, Dosbarrios, Espinoso del Rey, Esquivias, Estrella (La), Gálvez, Guadamur, Guardia (La), Herencias (Las), Hontanar, Huerta de Valdecarábanos, Illescas, Layos, Lominchar, Madridejos, Magán, Malpica de Tajo, Manzaneque, Marjaliza, Mascaraque, Mata (La), Mazarambroz, Menasalbas, Mesegar, Mocejón, Mohedas de la Jara, Montearagón, Mora, Nambroca, Nava de Ricomalillo (La), Navahermosa, Navalmorales (Los), Navalucillos (Los), Noez, Numancia de la Sagra, Olías del Rey, Orgaz, Palomeque, Pantoja, Polán, Puebla de Montalban (La), Pueblanueva (La), Pulgar, Recas, Retamoso, Robledo de Mazo, Romeral (El), San Bartolome de las Abiertas, San Martín de Montalbán, San Martín de Pusa, San Pablo de los Montes, Santa Ana de Pusa, Seseña, Sevilleja de la Jara, Sonseca, Talavera de la Reina, Tembleque, Toledo, Torrecilla de la Jara, Totanes, Turleque, Ugena, Urda, Ventas con Peña Aguilera (Las), Villaluenga de la Sagra, Villaminaya, Villamuelas, Villanueva de Bogas, Villarejo de Montalbán, Villaseca de la Sagra, Villasequilla de Yepes, El Viso de San Juan, Yébenes (Los), Yeles, Yepes, Yuncler, Yunclillos and Yuncos.

Municipalities in the Province of Ciudad Real:

Alcoba, Anchuras, Arroba de los Montes, Cortijos (Los), El Robledo, Fernancaballero, Fontanarejo, Fuente el Fresno, Herencia, Horcajo de los Montes, Labores (Las), Luciana, Malagón, Navalpino, Navas de Estena, Picón, Piedrabuena, Porzuna, Puebla de Don Rodrigo, Puertolápice, Retuerta del Bullaque and Villarrubia de los Ojos

Link with the geographical area

The production area of olives for making protected oils is located in the Montes de Toledo range. The Montes de Toledo are a line of low mountains with extensive flat areas in the interior. Temperatures are fairly markedly continental. Average annual rainfall is between 400 and 600 mm, and winter is the wettest season.

The soil and climatic conditions of the area, and the work of numerous generations of olive growers, have resulted in the natural selection of the Cornicabra variety, the best adapted to the area and the only one used in the production of Montes de Toledo olive oil. With regard to the link between the geological and soil conditions, it should be noted how the formation of soils that are generally not very fertile has again left its mark on the crop, which is subject to continuous stress, these aspects having in turn acted as a means of natural selection, leading to product differentiation.

Reference: The European Commission

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