Miel de La Alcarria
Description: Miel de La Alcarria is a Spanish honey made by honey bees from the nectar of flowers or living parts of plants in the production area. Classified as single-species rosemary and lavender honeys and multispecies honey.
Geographical area: Various municipalities in the district of La Alcarria, in southern Guadalajara and northern Cuenca provinces.
Evidence: The honey is made in duly registered beehives established on lands within the production area; it is removed under set conditions, and packaged and labelled in registered factories within the production area.
Method of production: Honey from registered beehives is removed by authorised methods, selected, decanted and packaged at origin.
Link: Bees established in the production area, with its abundant wild flora rich in aromatic, labiate plants, its herbaceous and tree crops and its cool Mediterranean climate, provide this product with a strong local character.
Labelling: Labels shall be authorised by the Regulating Body. "Denominación de Origen Miel de La Alcarria" shall figure prominently. Numbered labels certifying designation shall be issued by the Regulating Body.
Reference: The European Commission
© European Union, https://eur-lex.europa.eu/ https://eur-lex.europa.eu/en/editorial/legal_notice.htm#droits
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