Miel - Marque nationale du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (Luxembourg honey)
Miel - Marque nationale du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Miel - Marque nationale du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg is an AOP honey from Luxembourg which is distinguished from other honey by its individual character conferred by the bee forage specific to the region. It is a mixed flower honey with strong notes of white clover, fruit trees, greater bird's foot trefoil, melilot, dandelion and meadowsweet. The honey must not contain any foreign matter (e.g. sugar) and no imported honey may be added. It contains no residues, inhibines or prolines. It is hard in texture and must not be runny. There are no crystallisation defects and the honey is perfectly pure, homogeneous and of sustained aromatic quality. It is marketed only in 500g jars.
The description "Miel de Marque Nationale Luxembourgeois" was created in 1948 by means of specific legislation. This was amended by the Regulation of the Government in Council of 5 July 1973 creating a national trade mark for Luxembourg honey, legislation which is still in force. The honey's quality and specific character are due mainly to the highly specific flora and vegetation of the region and to the fact that it is not produced on an industrial scale.
Production is not on an industrial scale, and there are some 180 producers with hives all over the country. The honey is harvested from early spring to late summer, the latter particularly in the case of honeydew honey. After it has had time to mature and crystallise the honey is tested chemically and organoleptically before being put on the market.
Reference: The European Commission
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