Les Garrigues
DOP Les Garrigues is a Spanish virgin olive oil obtained from olives of the varieties Arbequina and Verdiell, with an acidity of less that 5%. Distinguishing characteristics: Fruity: greenish in colour with a taste of bitter almonds, and Sweet: yellow and sweet.
Geographical area
The south-east of the province of Lérida. Various municipal areas in the districts of Les Garrigues, El Segriá and L'Urgel. The municipalities are the following:
Les Garrigues Albagés,l'; Albi,l'; Arbeca; Bellaguarda; Borges Blanques, les; Bovera; Castelldans; Cervià de les Garrigues; Cogul, el; Espluga Calba, l'; La Floresta; Fulleda; Granyena de les Garrigues; Granadella, la; Juncosa; Juneda (up to the road from Lleida to Tarragona); Omellons, els; Pobla de Cérvoles, la; Soleràs, el; Tarrés; Torms, els; Vilosell, el; Vinaixa El Segrià Aitona; Alcanó; Alcarràs; Alfés; Almatret; Aspa; Granja d'Escarp, la; Llardecans; Maials; Massalcoreig; Sarroca de Lleida; Seròs; Soses; Sunyer (up to the Seròs canal); Torrebesses; Torres de Segre L'Urgell Belianes; Ciutadilla; Guimerà; Maldà; Nalec; Omells de Na Gaia, els; San Martí de Riucorb; Vallbona de les Monges; Verdú
Method of production
The oil is extracted from healthy clean olives using appropriate techniques which do not detract from the product’s characteristics.
Geographical link
Loose limey soil clayey-loamy in texture and reddish-ochre in colour. Continental climate. Supervised cultivation, collection and production.
Reference: The European Commission
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