Brussels sprouts

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Brussels sprouts

What is a Brussels sprout?

Brussels sprouts are among the same family that includes cabbage, collard greens, broccoli, kale, and kohlrabi. They contain good amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin K and dietary fibre. Moreover, they are believed to protect against colon cancer, due to their containing sinigrin. Brussels sprouts are cruciferous.

The usual method of preparing a Brussels sprout for cooking is first to cut off the base together with any remaining stem, and then to peel away and discard the surface leaves that are loosened by this cut. When boiling or steaming, some cooks will cut a cross in the stem to aid the penetration of heat to the centre of the sprout. One method of cooking Brussels sprouts is: "placing the sprouts in a single layer in a saucepan, covering them in just enough water to cover the stalks and boiling with salt and butter until the water is absorbed". Microwaving, stir frying, roasting and steaming are also options.

Overcooking releases sulpher compounds in the vegetables that give it a distinctive smell commonly found unpleasant. If correctly cooked, the unpleasant smell is avoided and the vegetable possesses a delicate nutty flavour.

In the UK, Brussels sprouts are a traditional winter vegetable, and are often eaten boiled with a roast dinner, particularly at Christmas. They can also be stir frying, roasted, or made into soup.

How much does one cup of Brussels sprouts weigh?

Estimated US cup to weight equivalents:

Ingredient US Cups Grams Ounces
Raw Brussels Sprouts 1 Cup 100 g 4 oz

How much does 1 Brussels sprout weigh?

One Brussels sprout weighs roughly 10 g ( about 0.5 oz).

Conversion notes:
Every ingredient has a cups to ounces or grams conversion table. Search for the ingredient, cup to weight conversions are at the end of each ingredient page.

We also have a generic conversion table and a portions per person lookup.

Seasonal Information: Brussels sprouts

This information is specifically for countries in the northern temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere; particularly the United Kingdom, however it should be applicable for northern USA, northern Europe, Canada, Russia, etc.

Brussels sprouts are at their best and in season during the following months: December, January & February.

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