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List of ingredients for Orange loaf

* ½ teaspoon Dried active yeast
* 400 g (14 oz) strong white flour
* 1 tablespoon Sugar
* 15 g (½ oz) Butter
* 1 tablespoon Milk powder
* 1 teaspoon salt
* Grated rind of 1 whole orange - added directly to the breadmaker bin, not in the nut dispenser.
* 200 ml water
* 80 ml orange juice
====Large loaf====
* 1 teaspoon Dried active yeast
* 500 g (1 lb 2 oz) strong white flour
* 1 tablespoon Sugar
* 25 g (1 oz) Butter
* 1.5 tablespoons Milk powder
* 1.5 teaspoons salt
* Grated rind of 1 whole orange - added directly to the breadmaker bin, not in the nut dispenser.
* 230 ml water
* 120 ml orange juice
====Extra large loaf====
* 1.25 teaspoons Dried active yeast
* 600 g (1 lb 5 oz) strong white flour
* 1.5 tablespoons Sugar
* 25 g (1 oz) Butter
* 2 tablespoons Milk powder
* 1.5 teaspoons salt
* Grated rind of 1 whole orange - added directly to the breadmaker bin, not in the nut dispenser.
* 260 ml water
* 140 ml orange juice

* Place the ingredients in your Breadmaker, in the order shown
* Panasonic SD253 and similar models; select basic Bake program (4 hours), Panasonic SD-ZB2502 automatic breadmaker, use menu option 01, basic bake.
* Select chosen crust option
* Select the appropriate loaf size to match the recipe [Medium, Large or Extra large]
* Rise and bake (4 hour cycle)
#driedactiveyeast #butter #orangejuice #strongwhiteflour #milkpowder #orangeloaf #breadmaker #marmalade #bake #breadmakers #panasonicsd253


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